Page 25 - Corporate profile English October 2021
P. 25

Our Portfolio

                                                                                        Nebras has built a strong power investment
                                                                                        portfolio underpinned by solid contractual
                                                                                        and off taking structures and is able to deliver
                                                                                        KLJKO\ YLVLEOH FDVK ŊRZ  VWDEOH UHWXUQV RQ
                                                                                        LQYHVWPHQW DQG VWURQJ ʼnQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQLQJ
                                                                                        Our management constantly and effectively
                                                                                        monitors our investments to ensure safe
                                                                                        DQG HIʼnFLHQW RSHUDWLRQV  VXVWDLQDEOH ULVN
                                                                                        management and, in turn, protection of the
                                                                                        underlying value of our portfolio.

                                                                                        We are pleased to invite you to visit our

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